Expanding Your Job Search

This will be a brief post about what I’ve learned thus far in the job searching process. I am currently in this process myself, so there will be more to share as I go along. In terms of finding job opportunities, this is what has been helpful for me thus far: cast a wide net as to where you frequent job postings.

There are many job sharing websites where employers share job postings. Find as many relevant to you as possible and get on their email lists to receive updates of new postings relevant to your interests.

Join email listservs for niche groups and universities. Not only do you get a variety of voices on these email chains, but there are often job postings as well.

Communicate with your friends, labmates, family, and past coworkers that you are looking for a new job. You never know what opportunities they will come across that they can share with you.

Join the email lists for your favorite groups and organizations to be notified of when they hire for new positions. Exploring different groups and seeing the types of jobs they employ is a great way to find out what you like.

My favorite way to stay inspired during the job search is to find jobs that I feel excited about and contact the person who currently has the position. I ask if they have time for a fifteen to thirty minute phone call where I can interview them and ask them questions. Usually, they are questions about their educational background, past training, career background, necessary skill sets, why they love their job, and what inspires them. Not only does this encourage me during the job search, but it also gives me a better idea of what that position is like and if I am excited about a prospective position.

It is worthwhile to expand the chance of running into a new type of job. Always hop into opportunities to expand into areas that are new and exciting to you. Don’t be discouraged when it takes some time. You are aware of your options! The right fit will eventually find you.


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